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    a radio tower with a pirate flag
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  Associates have all contributed something to RFM. Anyone can be an Associate, just contribute anything this station might be in need of, from music on CDs, or cassette, to equipment, furniture, to those ear wax removal systems.   Associates get "kiss ass treatment," from RFM DJs when they sign on to the Chat room. 

Treatment like: we will never yell at an "associate member," nor give him or her advice on something that's none of our business.  Associates get to make music requests without having to answer scathing questions about their family. They get to make music play lists from our Mp3 music list, to be saved for them and played (once per night only) at their request.

James Mason, Captain 
Jolly Roger, First Mate 
Jokerman, Salinas, CA.
FlyGirl, Monterey, CA.
DancingPoet, Monterey, CA
Junei, Salinas, CA
Jim Stoll, Monterey
High Times on the Air & Kevin Carusso 
Refradio "Ref",  Refland, Califoria
AmberEve, Pacific Grove, California
Eugene Roche, Los Angeles, CA
ModemMan, Monterey, CA
MrDaMan, (Free Hold Radio), south somewhere. 
Scott Tissue & KCR Radio, San Deigo
Laggin D. "r.i.p. buddy."
Darrell Montgomery, Salinas, CA
Kermit E., Monterey, CA
Mr. Man, Pacific Grove, CA.
Gray Jacobik, Pomfret, CT.
Bucwheat, Oregon
Sarlock T. of Syracuse, NY
Alligator.  Monterey, CA
Stoney Tony, Pacific Grove, CA.
Crum420, Toronto, CAN
Orgazmo, Canada.
Calgary M., Calgary, ALB, CAN
LudeDude, TN.
Kurt H. & e-poets.net
James' Grow at Home Marijuana Journal
Rambling Raymond M. 
The Olsens, Monterey, CA.
Greg Bliss
City of Monterey (by defacto), California 
Freak Radio Santa Cruz,  96.3 FM 
Bruce the Kite, Monterey, CA
The Federal Communications Commission
Every local radio station that for reasons of $$ and lack of creativity, resents RFM's presence. 
And the producer of Atheist's Hour especially wishes to
thank . . . Satan! 

  © Copyright 1998, James Mason, james@radiofreemonterey.org  Revised Wedneday, September, 8 th. , 1999