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    a radio tower with a pirate flag 
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RFM is catching the wave of explosive growth in web multimedia programming. RFM presents a unique advertising opportunity because its multimedia environment allows users to experience content in a  number of ways.  As an advertiser you can mix-n-match your media choices using the following methods:


Audio presentation at Intro to live feed:  an RFM-produced audio presentation featuring your product.  Every time a listener clicks on the live feed link, they see your presentation before they get the live feed. This can be a pre-produced television format commercial in 21 kbs Realvideo, or a brief video slide show with audio, or just audio. For example click here.
Real Time Broadcast, in Old Time Format:  In the Golden Age of radio a commercial was much more than it is today, to the listeners it was almost important to listen to!  RFM can bring it back with your product. Let our DJs rant on your product live during our broadcasts. For an example click here.
Slide in RFM Automatic Slide Show:  When the DJs are not on air, RFM goes on automatic and runs a slide show. Your business could be featured. We would run your slide twice every slide cycle.  For example click here.
Web Site
Banner Ad on the Index Page
Banner Ad on the Chat Room Page
Banner Ad on every page of a major section of the RFM website
Production costs
30-second spot:
1 slide with voice over, ad copy provided by you, $40
6 slides with music and voice over, ad copy consultation with James Mason, $100
Just Ad copy, read on air, ad copy consultation with James Mason, $60
If your commercial is already produced, you may just give us your tape.
Slide production for automatic slide show:
$10 per slide
$20 per photograph
Banner Ad Production:
Graphic file, $10
If your banner ad is already prepared, you may just send us the file. Your banner must measure 468x60 pixels and be less than 10K in size.
Once an ad is agreed to and signed off on, payment must be received in advance. 
© Copyright 1999, James Mason, james@radiofreemonterey.org Revised Monday, Feb. 15, 1999