For instance in our area alone 1 corporation
owns at least 4 radio stations - hardly a fair distribution of your airwaves,
the community's airwaves! Licenses for broadcast transmission are put on
ìauction blocksî and hoarded and swapped and "held," by corporate executives,
and far more common now is similar behavior from so called ìnon profit
religious ministries.
In addition, a few politicians with access to huge sums of money from
organizations like the National Association of Broadcasters (who recently
elected Rush Limbaugh their spokesperson), make monetarily biased decisions,
in essence abusing the process of law making. I invite Internet users to
have a look at FCC applications and broadcast permit holdings for our community.
Between the lines, this site virtually tells the story of the erosion
of our freedom through political and corporate cheating, the monitory padding
of our elected representatives and the public's inability to take action
to save the airwaves from this kind of monopolistic activity, which could
accurately be described as "takeover."
Freedom of speech . . .
