This page has our history: how James started Radio Free
Monterey with a 24-watt low-power FM radio kit, how FlyGirl brought the
project to the internet as a virtual community when Radio Free Berkeley
lost its case in June 1998. RFM went on the air in its present incarnation
in July 1998. You are welcome to read our story, view our broadcast clips,
and read an article about RFM in Cybersociology magazine.
Nabisco, low fat Oreos
- Antimercial.
The Jolly Roger tapes. Rare Elvis Presley interview, 1974. The Job Partnership Training
Act and the Monterey County
Mr. Jimmy warms up the nights' show. The Dr. Laura Manhateinger Show. Spiders. Kicking off the theme for the night. Early RFM
RFM in the News
RFM Projects