2 Wireless headset/microphones.
1 Dual CD player.
1 LP Turntable
1 Dual Cassette Deck
1 Ink Jet, or Bubble Jet Printer for PC.
Music. CDs, cassettes, LPs, Rock n Roll, Comedy.
100 megabyte Zip disks.
Blank Cassette tapes.
Bills: All friends and associates of RFM are welcome to make contributions
to us in the form of bill payments to help us meet expenditures.
Redshift Internet Services.
P.O. Box 1668
Marina, CA, 93933
(account: "jmason")
$44.95 monthly.
Pacific Bell
Payment Center
Sacramento, CA, 95887-0001
(account #831-373-7988)
Approx. $90 monthly.
R. Martinez (landlord to RFM)
1006 Tyler St.
Salinas, CA, 93906
(account: J. Mason)
$315.00 monthly.